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首页 > 供应产品 > 锦州防撞桶价格_锦州批发防撞桶价格多少钱
产品: 浏览次数:53锦州防撞桶价格_锦州批发防撞桶价格多少钱 
品牌: 山东亿安交通设施
单价: 50.00元/件
最小起订量: 1 件
供货总量: 1000 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-10-24







本文出自 济南水马 http://jnzhongtong.shengyidi.com/

    水马的报价 http://www.shyian.cn/aspcms/product/2013-8-22/434.html

With imported South Korea's samsung plastic products manufacturing, more elastic buffer after water, absorbing strong momentum, effectively reduce the car, passers-by and personnel injury within the enclosure. Bright color, can choose different color according to the requirement of road, clear to clearly indicate the route. The overall strength is stronger. Easy handling, with no need to use concrete pier cranes, saving manpower and cost. High mobility, suitable for any road. Won't hurt the road, do not need to make any pavement construction, can be installed. Storage is convenient.
1, bull barrels produced by South Korea's samsung environmental protection high strength plastic, furnish convenient, heat resistant, cold resistant, impact resistance, not easy ageing, long service life, is not easy to damage. Product no welding seamless, secondary feeding, one forming, both inside and outside is smooth, with good quality and impact resistance, long using time, resistance to high temperature, acid and alkali resistance and other characteristics completely frozen
2, bull barrels, more elastic buffer after filled with water, emptying after water can be flexible to move. Light and quick installation, no need crane, do not need to make any pavement construction to install, convenient storage can be stacked high saving place, product recycling, no pollution, than glass fiber reinforced plastic, railing and other more environmentally friendly.
3, bull barrels, novel design, convenient installation, road barrier, as a fence, more elastic buffer after filled with water, emptying after water can be flexible to move. Isolated pier barrel color to red, colour and lustre is bright beautiful, with red and white reflective film night more eye-catching. (there are reflective film)
Bull barrels of generally used in expressway exit used as emergency exits, and all levels of road intersection, toll station, roads, Bridges, parking lots, station, wharf, shopping malls, highway maintenance, hotel, residential, sports place, dangerous areas and road construction area, meeting places and other places as road separation, regional isolation, shunt, orientation, etc.

【 安全小常识 】
美国**的研究成果显示,影响驾驶坐姿的主要因素包括两大方面: 汽车的操作界面结构它们主要是指汽车方向盘的大小,方向盘与加速踏板/制动踏板的距离、仪表板各旋纽的布置以及汽车座椅的结构等。 汽车驾驶者个人因素包括驾驶者的身高、腿长、手臂长度、驾驶习惯等等。其中一个重要的影响因素是驾驶者舒适地操纵各种踏板的位置。

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